Gatsby Toolkit

Navigation Learning has been supporting UK FE Colleges with the delivery and tracking of student engagement activity for almost ten years. With the introduction of the Gatsby Benchmarks there was an opportunity to repurpose much of their further education content to support secondary schools.

The challenge

The team at Navigation Learning approached EdCo with a challenge: “please help us repurpose and monetise our existing content in a format that will help UK secondary schools satisfy the Gatsby Benchmarks”.

The objectives

  • Identify and recruit potential users to the project team e.g. career leaders
  • Create a content framework that demystified the Gatsby Framework and gives users a practical and chronological progression through the content
  • Collate, edit and source new content (where required) for each element of the framework
  • Source real-life exemplars from schools that will demonstrate that the recommended approach works
  • Develop a friendly and supportive design
  • Develop content navigation that supports the act of learning AND (most importantly) allows novice and experienced careers leaders to take distinct and appropriate journeys through the site

The outcomes

  • EdCo developed a name for the product and procured both &
  • The site and content were developed over a period of 6 months
  • Regular input from establish career leaders ensured that we had testimonials and advocates in place for the launch
  • The EdCo team collaborated closely with UX consultant Phil Clarke who specialises in education content sites e.g. London 2012, Premier League Stars etc
  • A content framework was developed that supported the necessary journeys with each piece of content classified as follows:
  • Gatsby Benchmarks referenced
    • Prerequisite knowledge required
    • Experience level
    • Time to read
    • Activity type e.g. planning, pre year, student, post year etc.

The site was soft launched to a number of local authority a career services to ensure the necessary social proof was in place before marketing started.

“The Education Company has turned my idea into reality in just 6 months. Their knowledge of the education sector is their secret formula.”
Chris Rowe Managing Director, Navigation Learning